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Monday, 15 August 2016


  • Peripera Ink the Velvet lip tint Dollish Beige Rose, Dry Rose Brown
  • Clinique Airbrushed Concealer

  • Princess Insomnia by Walter Moers
  • Ensel & Krete by Walter Moers
  • Zamonia: discovery journey through a fantastic continent - From A like Anagrom Ataf to Z as Zamomin by Walter Moers
  • Zorba the Greek by Nikos Kazantzakis
  • The Golden Ass by Apuleius
  • Candide by Voltaire
  • Anthology of H. P. Lovecraft
  • Zeus Grant Stupid Wishes by Cory O' Brien
  • The Cthulhu Mythos Encyclopaedia by Daniel Harms
  • Nausea by Sartre
  • Sex, Absinthe, and False Hares: A World History of Art by Walter Moers
  • On the Nature of Things by Lucretius
  • Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche
  • Beyond Good and Evil by Nietzsche
  • Cosmos by Carl Sagan
  • Hubble's Universe by Terence Dickinson
  • The Hubble Cosmos by David H. Devorkin, Robert W. Smith
  • Welcome to the Universe by Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • H. P. Lovecraft and the Modernist Grotesque by Sean Elliot Martin
  • The Accidental Universe by Alan Lightman
  • Either/Or by Soren Kierkegaard
  • From Atlantis to Zamonia, from Menippos to Moers: Walter Moers' novel of Zamonia in the context of the Menippean satire by Katja Pawlik
  • Walter Moers' Zamonien-Romane : Vermessungen Eines Fiktionalen Kontinents by Gerrit Lembke
  • A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking
  • Pearl Ex Pigments
  • Matte polyurethane varnish
  • Polyblades

  • BPAL perfume oils: O, Perversion, Anubis, Qandisa, Tezcatlipoca, Eat Me, Old Demons of the First Class, Bast, Satyr, How Doth the Little Crocodile
  • Cute Underwear

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Not-So-Couple Onigiris



Reading my course readings and lecture notes, getting myself organized, moving into my dorm and dealing with birthdays, socializing...and of course, crafting. So far I've made several chocolate truffles, a chocolate cupcake, marshmallows, 2 onigiris and some roses. I'd like to ramble on and on about how I am running out of black clay and in need of a scrubber clay and the polyurethane varnish but I'm pretty sure that if I do that, by the time I'm done whoever's reading will zone out. So anyway.

I've only taken 2 seminars so far - Intro to Philosophy (starting with Epistemology, followed by Metaphysics and other things) and Chinese Philosophy. A subject I'm sensing is gonna be a real pain in the ass. Am loving my professors so far, I think. I enjoyed the Intro lecture even though the professor was kinda rambly because he was really awkward and funny. And yeah, there is no better advice for epistemology than the following - YOU KNOW NOTHING.
I kinda fell asleep in the latter because she was being kinda long-winded and it was a frigging' 3-hour lecture. I AM INTERESTED IN CHINESE PHILOSOPHY THOUGH, DON'T GET THAT WRONG.

After this week, I should be a lot less stressed (hopefully) because Add/Drop would be over. I've been pretty close to losing my shit because of the fact that the stupid system won't let me add a course that is VERY IMPORTANT to me - HL1001 INTRO TO LIT. Without it I can't take...pretty much most of the modules which PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH. And those literature modules that don't have pre-requisites either clash with all my CORE modules or are insanely popular - to the point that it's terrifying. I applied for Madness In Literature And Film and...the vacancy is 2 and the waitlist is 91. Fucking hell. At least I got into Astronomy, but right now I'm really terrified that I'm going to hate it because I heard that it's insanely difficult. Since all the other courses I want are stupidly popular, I have a low chance of getting in so I might just be stuck with Astronomy. Am seriously crossing my fingers and hoping I get the ballot. PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE.

I have also made friends, I think. Like 1 guy and 3 girls so far. WHICH IS A GOOD START FOR SOCIAL HERMIT ME. I've camped over in Aries' (naming her that because she is my first Aries friend so far) dorm twice, and it was really fun because we have a lot in common (like socially awkward boyfriends, a hatred for flakes -cough- , a love for makeup and cute stuff) and she had a mini fridge and air-con.
I've also more or less set up my side of the dorm so it's 100% liveable, it's just lacking some personal touches that I intend to remedy ASAP. Like my Alpacasso plushie and my cat and ice cream post-its and my Q-pot magazines. Am probably also in need of more thumbtacks, stationery holders and book dividers. I also pretty much have the room to myself which I don't really mind because I'm enjoying the peace and quiet and the greatness of solitude.


Anyway. I FINALLY HAVE MY MACBOOK I'M SO HAPPY AND EXCITED (I'm using it to write my post at the moment) AND UNI LIFE IS LOOKING GOOD (I think).